Part of the clarion call of the Gospel is to go to the uttermost parts or ends of the Earth in promoting the gospel of the kingdom. While we realize that not everyone has a Missionaries calling, we maintain that ALL of us can be part of the Missionaries work through our giving. With World Missions a small percentage of our collective tithe goes toward that work. Beyond that, we also attempt to help support specific Missionaries by designating collected funds toward them. Here are some Missionaries we help support:
Wayne is a former atheist that walked into a Chicago Church of God one day and had his life turned around for the glory of God. Wayne and Phyllis have been on the Mission field for many years, establishing Bible Colleges in Lima, Peru and Fusa, Colombia where they taught the indigenous Tribes of people to become Pastor's and Church planters.
Donations can be made to the Wozniak's ministry by giving directly to the IT church or mailing funds into Church of God World Missions. Their project number is 065-0153
Wayne is a former atheist that walked into a Chicago Church of God one day and had his life turned around for the glory of God. Wayne and Phyllis have been on the Mission field for many years, establishing Bible Colleges in Lima, Peru and Fusa, Colombia where they taught the indigenous Tribes of people to become Pastor's and Church planters.
Donations can be made to the Wozniak's ministry by giving directly to the IT church or mailing funds into Church of God World Missions. Their project number is 065-0153